These are 9 Stupid Mistakes, Can Make You Happy

Do you know Clay Aiken's song with the lyric " It can happen to anyone of us... bla bla bla". Can you tell me what the title that song?
That is what we will talking about now. Yups, Stupid mistake. Stupid mistake is something can happen suddenly. It will be hard if that happened to you but it really makes a laugh if happening to another people. Let's see what happen to me.

# What Happen?

I have a cow. I do not know what it named. One day, my cow stands. It can not walk. But It is still breathing. Hey, Cow what's going on? I tell it to Facebook and Facebook asks to my cow, What is in your mind.

# I am Bon Jovi Fans

I am standing strong.There is a song that makes me want to face it with all my spirit. Yes, that is JON BOVI's song. It is my life. Do you know that song?

# Have a Nice day

Next, I love to hear Bon Jovi's song, Have a Nice day! Then in my car I sing that song. I am so very very happy. But, my girl friend ask me to sing Nirvana's song. Never mind! Look what happen now!

# Be rich in the Right time

Can you see what I have said. Please, be rich in the right time. You can rich anytime that you want. But remember, That is not easy to rich before the right time.

# So, I Choose to Eat in Mc D

Now you can see, I am not rich now. When I am hungry, I go to Mc Donald's to find something to eat. Besides, there is a good news. You can try.... (see picture above)

# My Plan if I am rich

Then, for my ambition to be rich man. I make a tatto in my hand like picture above. I will buy anything from Ralph Lauren next.

# If You Thirsty I will send it

If I am rich, I will send mineral water to all of my friend. I hope all of my friend will be health if they drink it. It is not good to take some beer or soda.

# I do not need to brush my teeth

Cause I want to be rich, now I have to save my money. I think twice for spending my money. Look that picture, I paint my teeth in order to not buy brush-teeth.

#Something Happen

But, all of my story is not like what happened. Please forgive me. Because everything happens for a reason sometimes the reason is you are stupid and make a bad decisions.

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Nothing Special About me. I like write and share what I know