#Mr Wrong will be Wrong
Hello Mr.Messy, Hello Mr Happy, How Are you Mr Funny and Welcome Mr Noissy. Mr Tickle and Mr Tall, Are you Okay? And Hey Mr Wrong What are you doing there?
#Give me that Kitkat
Hello little sister. It is along journey. I am so hungry right now. Will you give me the chocolate. I only need a bit. No more, a little bite.
#Yeah, We do not Have enough
I do not have any tile. So, I have to finish this job an hour later. A while, no place to buy tile like I have now. So, I decide to show you how an art works.
# Please, Look at this Point
We have to focus. Hello, new comer look at this point well. Focus, focus and focus. What do you see, tell me next month.
#Mom Ask, Where is the Onion
Yes mom, I put it in... a... Oh no I am sorry, I put it in a.... Mom, I do not see it now. So sorry mom.
#My House of Frame
We respect that engineer that make our house. Now, My house has like Hollywood. Call it My house of frame. Do you have got it?
#What a Building
A window wants to have its friend place. So, the window goes change its position with the friend. Trust me, everything happen till you see now not what architecture's direction.
#Ask me Why
Okay, I learn math too much. Then I practice my math skill to a design my first project. That's amazing thing that I have ever.
#I want to ride my Bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bicycle. Bicycle, Bicycle, Bye....
#I don't want that Part!
I have a bad relation with my brother. So, when he take a piece of pancake, I will take too, I do not want to be a looser. But I take other side of Pancake.
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