LOL Signs in The Church

What are you doing when you go to a church. Yeah, You will pray. And You tell all your sin. You are good and will be better people. Have you ever seen something that is fun in some church in the world. No, I do not mean to laugh the church and Christian. It is about the word.

# Hell, Waiting for Me

Ouh God, please forgive me. I do and Upss I did again, like Britney's song. No,no This is Lady Gaga's song. I Kissed a girl. Or am I wrong? Never mind - Kurt Cobain answer. Because ACDC is ' I am on the highway to hell'.

# Church Will HelpYou

This life is so hard.More than word, Extreme says that. But Bob Marley still singing Dont Worry be Happy. Hey, all you need is " Don't Let Worries kill you - Let the Church help.

#Why are you Lazy?

St Cyril of Alexandria, Catholic Church. If you come there, find the best word in the world. Staying in bed Shouting, Oh God! Does not constitute going to Church. So let's go to the church. Or Staying in a bed.

#How to Make Holy Water

 If you have a question how to make holy water. Please, go to the first of Awesome Chuch Work. You will now how to holy water made. They say, Holy water made by boil the hell out of it.

#Do not Need waiting for a death to feel hell

Clays, Mill Road. Yeah in the Baptis Church. There is a rule here. Who ever stole AC unit, keep one. Because it is hot where you are going. So, please do not try to steal AC there.

#Just a Little Hope

 Why don't you come to the Church? My friend asks me. I am going to silent for a second. Then, I reply because only a little hope. Oh my God, tell me how much far a hell from here. If you do not know what is the hell, read below

# Hell is

Dream theater ' never find the answer' or 'never understand why'. But, there is the answer here about What hell is. You need to come Mt Pleasant Baptist Church. Hear the preacher there.


 Concordia, Lutheran Church. Come to have a worship on Sunday, 9.00 AM and Tuesday 7.00 PM. Or Contemporary on Saturday. But remember : " Hipster Jesus Loved You before You were Cool". Or come to...

#North Waterboro Community Baptist Chuch

If you want to enter heaven. Note it, You can not enter heaven unles Jesus enters you. I hope Jesus enters you soon. So, you will enter heaven easily.

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Nothing Special About me. I like write and share what I know